by Janice Surlin
She holds her torch high for the whole world to see,
A beacon of hope for those who “yearn to breathe free”;
And those who seek refuge and knock at her door
All long to be welcomed to her freedom-drenched shore;
To join Her great Nation many dream they will do—
The right pathway and patience could make it come true;
E pluribus unum, on every coin run,
Reminds us we’re many, and different, but one;
For Liberty and Justice She majestically stands,
An inspiring symbol for all people, all lands;
Her attention is focused, Her gaze set on one sight—
All Humanity’s Freedom, our God-Ordained Right!
With lips sealed and silent She speaks not a word,
Yet her towering message ‘round the world can be heard:
Let no national boundaries, no one set aside,
A place for oppression, this we must not abide!
In statuesque stillness She echoes the call
That beckons the world to claim Freedom for all;
May Her soul-stirring cry fill our conscience and ears—
May the world not just listen but affirm what it hears;
To behold Global Freedom Her great lofty goal—
To light up the way is Miss Liberty’s role;
So bless you, Miss Liberty, and for that which you stand—
Peace, Freedom and Justice, for all people, all lands!